Monday, May 25, 2009

Maria and the fish

Maria has always loved animals - all types. When she was young and lived on the farm, she was always looking in on the animals to see what they were doing. She would feed old vegetables to the pigs. She would chase the ducks and chickens. She could often be found holding the kittens and petting the cats. She loved her father's dog, Chip. a large black Labrador with the sweetest temperament.

About once a month or so, Maria's father would go fishing on the weekend. He would go out early on a Saturday morning and would be gone almost all day, returning just before dinner. Being that she was so small, Maria was unable to go with her father and would wait at home with her mother and her brothers and sisters. Maria was always excited when her mother said her father was bringing home fish.

While Maria's father was fishing, he would place any fish he caught in a bucket filled with water to keep them alive. When he returned home, he would transfer the fish to a filled bathtub. Maria would watch the fish swim around the tub with delight. She would get so excited, she would babble to her brother and sister about the fish and smile and giggle all the while. It was always a treat for Maria.

Maria never knew what happened to the fish when they went bye-bye. However, the family always enjoyed their dinner on those nights.

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